Episode 1 : The introduction

Episode 1 February 18, 2021 00:13:23
Episode 1 : The introduction
Sticky Subjects
Episode 1 : The introduction

Feb 18 2021 | 00:13:23


Show Notes

Sticky Subjects Episode 1: introducing you to our podcast and our products! join Harriet and Beth on there journey through tamper evident security.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:03 Stick together. So hello and welcome to our very first podcast Speaker 0 00:00:09 Subjects with Tampa technologies. So our podcast is all about answering your questions on tamper evidence. Uh, we figured whilst you're all sat at home working, we could be your office entertainment. So this is our very first one. We have a few questions back to start with, but obviously anything you want to add for the next week coming, please. Speaker 1 00:00:30 And what's just luck because we've no idea what we're actually doing. So we'll start with the first question. Are you ready? Somebody asked it would be good to know what are the special properties of a temporary today, but didn't tape that prevent highlight attack from cold sprays, heat and solvents. It's quite a tricky one to start with Speaker 0 00:00:52 Quite a lot to the question. Really. So basically we have solutions for everything as I'm sure many of you have heard me tell you before. So all of our products show cold tamper attack. They all will still void under cult attack, whether that's being in a freezer or cold sprays, or did they do when you say they react. So the permanent tape and the back tape, if frozen or cold in it from a freezer, they will still void just as normal, like a Umbria temperature. That's what we designed them to do in the, in the product. Um, the non residue seals do work to an extent, but we change it to be a bit more of a specialist skill in that environment. Because most of the time, the standard numbers of you labels are for airplanes applications and a more basic ceiling for heat attack. Speaker 0 00:01:42 Uh, we have more specialist products and features. They get added to our sort of standard range. So what we add is we have turned a creamy things. We've got <inaudible>, we've got special films. So certain chromic eatings will change color when heated a specialist films will melt or dissolve when we did a and special IDs, it, that will work up to much higher temperatures, depending really on the specific application what's needed from yourselves and regarding solvent attack. So on our box tape and back tape RDS, it goes right to the edge. Whereas other products in the markets, it doesn't go quite to the edge. So what people can do is get a needle, uh, and with solvent it and stick it under the edge of the tape and then disperse the solvent in and under the IDs is very sneaky. And then basically the solver gets under the ideas of so they can pull it off without it showing temporary. So our ideas of right to the edge of these tapes means that you can't get your needle in to get your solvent into it, to attack it. So with basically in terms of solver, the attack, we're sort of already protected from that. But again, we have got, um, special inks and films that will dissolve or go or bubbling buoy, uh, to show solvent, to tap. Speaker 1 00:03:01 I would like to go back, if you wouldn't mind to the, Hey, you say server Chrome again, is that the one that turns a funny color? Speaker 0 00:03:07 Yeah, absolutely. So the thermal COVID ink is white, uh, but it can change to black. That was like the standard at heat. So 55 degrees is like the trigger point we say, which is quite low again, compared to other products in the market because, and we put a really heavy, uh, sort of layer of ink down of that. So it's a lot more sensitive than what other people have Speaker 1 00:03:28 And is that irreversible? Speaker 0 00:03:31 Absolutely. And they can like have it in to go to pink or red or color that they want. So yeah, Speaker 1 00:03:38 We could make that quite pretty. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:40 So yeah, basically we have a solution for everything as I always say, but yeah, basically it depends specifically on that application because sometimes it won't, someone might not need it to show what heat attack, just cold attack. So for like box Speaker 1 00:03:56 Tape, then we could use Speaker 0 00:03:58 Everything. So we just saw layer the prompt forever solutions, depending on what the application is and the need is. Speaker 1 00:04:06 I have another question. There is basically, how do I select the right tamper, evident, labeled or tape for me? Speaker 0 00:04:12 So we have a checklist, uh, that can help with this, but basically there are six main things to think about. So we need to think about the surface that the tamper evidence solution is going to be applied to and the size of the package that you want to protect. So whether that's a cardboard box that tailies to be wrapped all the way around, whether it's a shrink, wrapped, pallets, that they want to use a whole roll of tape to wrap round where we supply to say a 20 liter roll of tape instead of a hundred MES roll the tape. So what some people do, uh, like Emirates take rolls of tape from us, and there's only 20 meters on a roll. So it's really easy for the end user. They just use an entire roll per pallet and that's when they know they don't. Ah, yeah. Speaker 0 00:04:52 So rather than having simple. Yeah. So we need to consider the surface. We need to consider the size of the package and how big you want the seal to be. So if it's to cover a cardboard box, we'd recommend a 50 mil tape benefits, hugely price sensitive, then we can do a 40 mil tape because we can maximize the material more to make it more cost-effective. But then if it's just a case of, they want to continue using normal packaging tape, then we can supply a permanent label or alignment this label to add the feature security feature just onto the top of the box, for example, at the bottom. Uh, so we can basically, Speaker 1 00:05:24 Maybe the listeners could just tell you what they wanted to do. Yes. And then you could supply the solution. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And we've got the experience to be. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:35 Yeah, definitely. I'm basically, I, I think that's important for us. It's a bit it's cardboard sometimes then we've got customers that buy cardboard and it's got like waxes are next. Speaker 1 00:05:45 Oh yeah. Because you have shiny boxes. Yeah. Rough boxes. Yeah. And there'll be different I suppose, around the world, the biggest quantity. Speaker 0 00:05:52 So one thing that we've been learning is people obviously now just trying to cost cut left and center. So now the quality of the board goes down a lot. So we've had to adjust our tape. Speaker 1 00:06:02 Well, let's face it. Those must be a cardboard or shortage. The amount of Amazon boxes I've got. Yes. Speaker 0 00:06:07 Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. So yeah, basically it completely depends on the surface. So one of the big applications that's coming through now is tote boxes because we can provide two security seals that will replace the page labels on the table, Speaker 1 00:06:22 Just because I don't know what a tote boxes. Speaker 0 00:06:24 Okay. So we use these a lot in the UK and I'd been talking to some different customers around the world and they've used them too. They're called different things throughout the world. Basically it's a big plastic box with two sides that come down to form the top of the box with like interlocking fingers. So that's how the top of the legs sort of locks together. And it's effectively like a storage box or a box to move goods around. So companies use them to move goods to get to the right warehouses or to look after returns and Lloyd's chemist. Yeah. So basically it's going to, when items get bashed around, they're not going to get bashed. The box gets flashed in order for someone to know that they've put what they put in. It is still in it they've been using pull tight seals and then paper labels all over the box. Speaker 0 00:07:07 So they're having to then Saul some paint labels to have it, to get the paper labels printed, and then they're having to bypass airport type seals, made sure they've got the right spec, make sure that people know how to use both of the items and what to put on what box and where many opportunities for mistakes. So basically the solution is a very specialist label called X 22. F-you it basically all you need for a tote box now is to have these enables, uh, which will provide you with all the information you need. All enables far codes, numbers, et cetera, easily scannable, completely customizable. And that makes your box of yours as well as giving the insights. So they're whatever size the customer wants. But what we're finding as a standard is sort of 200 mil by 70 mil means that you can get enough information. Speaker 1 00:07:49 Yeah. Cause that's another question that people have asked is, you know, how much they data. Speaker 0 00:07:54 Yeah. And this is a lot of day two or more later. Absolutely. Yeah. So you've got four sets of the numbers, two sets of the barcodes. You've got it. Telling you what type of saved return it is or what type of goods is there in the box. Plus what to do with the label. It has instructions on the label of where to stick it and where the fold line is, et cetera, et cetera. So there's a lot of information to go on the label for. It's getting rid of all those other potential problems. Speaker 1 00:08:16 Yeah. Yeah. So anybody can do the same thing. It's not, you don't have to keep retraining people because obviously people aren't out and about. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:24 Yeah. And what people are doing quite a lot now is if they've got one project, but they want one solution, but there, it needs to show different things. They're just using different colors, different colors, but that means different things for the different items. And then we can just have a quick label on it to say, this is for this type, Speaker 1 00:08:42 The product, different colors being used for different things. I found my way around Bangkok airport. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:48 The yellow line. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:52 So when you sealing things like, um, sometimes products don't go, you know, you got around bottle, like a duty-free free bottle. So they go in a bag. Did we do that Speaker 0 00:09:04 Tapes as well? Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, we do security back tapes. Um, we supply these to our partners throughout the world that make the security bags themselves. Um, so we have now up to level six in a security back tape world. So basically what this means is from level two to level six, we're adding another feature each time. So we go from avoiding back tape, which is kind of the simplest level of security, which is still not simple. And then we add a third rabbit feature and then we add security curves. Then we add surface sprint and hidden UV print. And then we're adding water, fugitive inks. We've got specialists films. There's so much to it. So we stayed ahead of the curve Speaker 1 00:09:44 With introducing new levels of security life. Last year when the new pound notes and everything were introduced, they have so many more features in them. Speaker 0 00:09:52 They look the same, but they're all different. Speaker 1 00:09:54 So the security backstage can look exactly the same. Yeah. Yes. Speaker 0 00:09:59 Yeah. Yeah. But it actually reacts differently to different threats. Yeah. So when, when someone's using a more standard back tape, then they're attacking it with solvent or they've attacked it with something that tries to attack the, uh, UV light. Then we can see that now, but they wouldn't necessarily know that we've got that feature in the table ready. And again, all of this can be customized. So void message, color, Thermo chromic, Kings, et cetera. I've heard that Speaker 1 00:10:23 Stories about tapes and labels coming off due to conditions and situations where they're being challenged beyond their manufacturing ability. So one of the things I've heard you talk about in the past is the fact that people need to know where their labels are going to be used and how they're going to be used. So that also matters. I would assume whether it's inside, outside, whether it's wet, whether it's a hot country or a cold country. Speaker 0 00:10:49 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So we actually have some customers that apply the tape in the rain outside. Oh my God. So obviously trying to get an, a DSA have to stick to water. Droplets is near on impossible because you're not actually sticking to any surface you're slipping into a moving surface. So what we did was ask them to put a tent up outside. They now do it under a little warning area. So the boxes are actually dry. Then the boxes can go outside for as long as they want. And then another problem with this was because the boxes were sitting in the rain, they bought the cardboard with a waxy surface on which meant that it wasn't always performing as well as they need it because we're not again, sticking to the cardboard, we're sticking to a waxy surface. So all of these things became really important, but none of this conversation had happened from the outset. So then we kind of have to backtrack and that's why it's so important to understand the whole requirement from the offset. So we can just get it right. First time I made sure the customers are happy if it would just go to, I put now then the Speaker 1 00:11:44 First sticky subjects with tampered technologies podcast, Speaker 0 00:11:47 What would you say would you'd like to Speaker 1 00:11:49 Takeaway, to be for people to be aware of and think about? So I think Speaker 0 00:11:54 What we want people to sort of establish with us from the offset is the application and not just the surface, but also its environment. So we can give you a solution for anything, but we need to know what that solution is for first. So basically if you could find out for us what the actual surface, the seal is sticking to, whether you want it to leave a residue or not how many seals it would be for. So we can make sure we tailor the right solution for you. You know, rather than thinking y'all will go and do some massive manufacturing thing over here, where we've got a solution over here and you can have 5,000 CEO straight away, uh, and the environment, it will be in, if it's going to be cold, if there's going to be hot, et cetera. So we can make sure that we provide you the right to. Speaker 1 00:12:36 So it's the understanding where it's going to be used, how it's going to be used, what the customer experience is going to be, and also the amount of data and information that you want on the surface so that we can actually fit that in yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:48 On the Lake. And then we can recommend a size, the manufacturing, the type of seal you need Speaker 1 00:12:54 Samples. Of course, for people to try on Speaker 0 00:12:56 This before we do anything, we'll do wonderful. We'll leave it here. Speaker 1 00:13:02 And we'll say any questions, please email them into [email protected]. And we look forward to talking to you again soon. Speaker 0 00:13:09 So thanks for listening to our very first podcast and it's goodbye for now. But yeah, hopefully we hear from you soon and speak to you in the next podcast. Cheers. <inaudible>.

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