Episode 3: How Do You Protect Food Deliveries

Episode 3 February 22, 2021 00:15:27
Episode 3:  How Do You Protect Food Deliveries
Sticky Subjects
Episode 3: How Do You Protect Food Deliveries

Feb 22 2021 | 00:15:27


Show Notes

This week Harriet and Beth discuss:
Listener Questions?
What we offer that is better than our competition?
  What is a security cut? Which you can find on our learning zone
  What is UV print? and where can it be used?
  How does UV print help anti-counterfeit protection?
  What are prefixes for custom number ranges? and how does it help protect your brand?
  Why use a Barcode or QR code?
Can our tapes and labels be used in automated packaging systems?
  What are the benefits of using our taper evident solutions in packaging?
Can labels be pre-printed or printed on site for specific package labelling?
Can our Tamper Evident tapes and labels be used not only for security but for marketing as well?

The growth in food subscription boxes, the real world experience of food/recipe boxes and how tamper evidence can help protect your customers and your brand reputation.
If you want to see our tape in action protecting food boxes then check out the videos page on our website or our YouTube channel!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> stick together. So welcome to week three of our podcast with me, Harry and me Beth. And so this week we're going to be talking about the growth in the food subscription boxes, but they're going to start with just a few of the questions that we've had in this week. Speaker 1 00:00:20 Am I allowed to ask the question you're allowed? It's exciting. So first question, what can we offer that is better than the competition? Speaker 0 00:00:29 So this is a very good question. And basically there's lots. So to start with, we can put the security cuts in the tapes and the labels. So when we're competing with competition, what they do is just make everything the same. So you can't customize, unless you've got huge volumes, you can't add extra features with ease on their presses. Speaker 1 00:00:50 What was the security cut doing the tape? So Speaker 0 00:00:53 A security guard entertain is there. So if it's tempered with cold or tampered with heat, or it opened up <inaudible>, the tape will tear into pieces. So rather than just pulling in one piece, it will just tear up. So it's very difficult to take a off. However, it does make it a lot more secure because then if someone is trying to get in with a heat pad, then it will still tear. So the table avoid, but it will still tear up. So we're still showing it. Speaker 1 00:01:18 Does that work on different boxes as well? Does it work on the waxy ones and the um, yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:23 Yeah. So we still like to be obviously stuck to board actual ball and not wax. And it's, again, it will just depend on what it is. If it's printed cardboard, it will be fine, but if it's like a Silicon layer, then we would need to test it. Speaker 1 00:01:36 Okay. And when does it tear from, does it turn them outside or does it tear from the perforations or Speaker 0 00:01:41 So we have a few different security cup designs and basically it was half and wherever they are. So we put them on the edges as our recommendation, but some people also like them in the center of the tape. So if they do manage to get to the center, which they won't, they will still tear at that point. Okay. So basically what we've started to do with the edges and then a strip of security that sound the center as well, just to add an extra in there. So it's really covered in all areas. Speaker 1 00:02:06 We should probably get a video of that on the website. Shouldn't we? Yeah, that'll go up next week with all the video, ask our marketing to do that. Speaker 0 00:02:16 Um, and on the labels, the security cuts go, uh, generally in the center of the label. So then if it's a securing a door or an aircraft panel, if the panel is opened, it will tear in half. So it'll just like snap. So the label was so void, but really what you're looking at is a snapping security seal, right? So you can really easily see Speaker 1 00:02:37 Measure. Those are non, um, non messaging. Don't leave a Mark on the surface. Speaker 0 00:02:43 Yeah. So that's one of the things that we offer. Um, the other thing that we're doing a lot of is hidden UV printing the seals. Again, this is on permanent products on non residue products, right. And the back tape, not forgetting the backdate and is that patterns or work or so, yeah, this again is anything that they want. So we do some cool like gosh type patterns or you, they could have smiley faces if that's what they wanted, whatever it was, the company name, et cetera, just to add that other layer of security. So if there is someone that's trying to copy the security product that they're putting on, so it's really anti-counterfeit then it's yeah, absolutely. So some like large footwear companies buy a security solutions in, but then people have tried to copy them. So these are layers to the solution that will mean that they can then tell what's their genuine security solution versus the fake solution. Speaker 1 00:03:33 We were going to be making a stent of the same product. We could change the UV messaging within the product at a different time. Yeah, absolutely. That would not be known by the counterfeiters. Cause it would look the same. Yeah. Yeah. So even if they saw the UV pattern, then we have to, we could change it every three months or what Speaker 0 00:03:50 Absolutely. So sometimes we change the print design. Sometimes we change the color, but if we keep changing things like that, it messes up with the counterfeiters ideas and they can't keep track of what we're doing. Speaker 1 00:04:01 Keeps consistent system for the customer. The brand is still struggling. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:04:05 Yeah, absolutely. So another item is the custom number ranges, uh, with prefixes. So it's not just a six digit number or a seven digit number. It also has a prefix so that it can link to the month of the year that can link to your company that could link to anything. Yeah. So prefixes the letters in front of the number range, but it depends on the size of the label. So if you've got like an 85 mile by 25 more label with a drawer number tab, obviously we wouldn't want like a seven digit net or seven letter prefix, but usually they just have one or two. So a lot of people will just choose a letter or, you know, whatever they're called, if it was Amber, for example, they just have AB yeah. And that would be, that would be suffice because it just, again gives them that extra layer against someone trying to copy it because it's not something that someone can buy off Amazon with a custom prefix. Speaker 0 00:04:54 So again, you're adding that layer of security there. Um, the numbers can be surface or subsurface. And when you were talking about numbers, of course, we cannot always do QR codes and barcodes and whatever they want. So it's not just a number range and the barcodes and QR codes can link to the number range or the QR codes connect to the website or the campaign or accept that they can be used in track and trace. Absolutely. Yeah. So a lot of our customers have them on the label to then with the drawer number tab, they put the drawer number tab on their track and trace paperwork for the office. Then they scan it to say, yeah, we're good to go. And then it goes into lorry. So it's a good whole solution base. Speaker 1 00:05:31 I'm very simple. Yeah, absolutely. As we were discussing, it's very practical. Yeah. So is it a solution that works in real, in the real world? Speaker 0 00:05:40 Definitely. So those are all the things that we offer. That's better than the other items on the market. They're just that you can buy from anywhere. So that's what we're doing. That's what we're doing to add security. And that's why people, Speaker 1 00:05:51 And that's on top of being able to customize everything that goes your colors, your, your wits. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 0 00:05:59 So there's a lot to go out, basically. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:02 Your choice. So another question we've had, um, and I thought this is quite interesting actually. Yeah. There's a lot of people looking now at using our tapes and our labels within existing systems, easy is it to integrate, uh, tapes. So they add the tamper evident and replace their packaging tape or add private label and replace a label. Speaker 0 00:06:24 Yeah. I mean, it's not, it's a really good question. So we already supplied the automated packaging, uh, industry with both the tapes and the labels. We can make the rolls of tape up to 600 meters. So the packaging lines are very efficient, uh, which obviously saves them time and money, which is Speaker 1 00:06:42 They don't have to change the speed they run. Speaker 0 00:06:45 Yeah, absolutely. They come on at the same speed. It's just as easy. Uh, but now instead of just having a non-secure box at the end of it, they've got a secure solution when they finished. So we're, we're just supplying our time Revenant solution into their normal process. Yeah. So the guys on the shop floor don't have to get used to anything new, uh, they don't have to change the machinery and the cost to change. No, absolutely not. They might just have to get used to the fact there's a lot more blue because obviously our products are a lot stickier, but I'm sure they'll like, that box is actually closing. Speaker 1 00:07:17 Yeah. And last delivery I had this. Speaker 0 00:07:19 Yeah. So that's the tape side of it. Uh, and then the labels the same again, um, we can put however many level roll you want, we go up to 10,000 at the moment. That would be the biggest we've done in store. They're small label, 25 by 12 millimeters. Um, and so again, that's for an automated packaging mind. Speaker 1 00:07:39 So we can supply labels that have got preprinted data on the top. Yeah. But we can resupply labels that are blank. That can be overprinted onsite. Cause obviously you're a farmer they're going to be putting the, um, really specific data as traceability from the source. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:57 The end. Yeah, absolutely. So these can go through on the automated packaging line being printed at the same time and then straight on the box. So we're really fully integratable into the system. There's there should be no issues and you know, we'd always do a trial. We'd see how things go. And we did that where needed, but yeah, I mean, these things are, are built for these all around the world. It's a huge marketplace for us. And uh, yeah, we supply these solutions into various markets. Um, so pharma is a perfect example. We do the pill boxes and then the sh uh, shipping cartons as well. So it's like a double science Speaker 1 00:08:33 That will actually be the lead security Speaker 0 00:08:35 City. Absolutely. Yeah. That's the dream. Um, and then, yeah, as well as the food delivery companies seeding the food ingredients to leave on the consumer doorsteps. So obviously this market has just grown exponentially since COVID hit. And uh, obviously there's going to be huge potential moving forward, still Speaker 1 00:08:53 That I think the food boxes will carry on. I think there's definitely, I mean, obviously we live in the middle of nowhere, so we're not really getting the benefit of their delivery. They're fast food deliveries. Speaker 0 00:09:04 Some of our neighbors have it and they leave it on their doorsteps, but it's not secure. So you don't know who could have touched it. So obviously that's another benefit having the security tape on there. Um, and because we're super efficient in how we manufacture, we can compete with them and make sure that we hit the right price point Speaker 1 00:09:20 As well. And so their boxes are always really positive aren't they like fun. So they could do your, like your smiley faces <inaudible> promotions and they could engage more. Speaker 0 00:09:33 Yeah. Because what they could do is while they're living on doorsteps, then they could put markers so passes by. He could just go, Oh, I'll scan that, you know, and I'll take my 10% discount or the neighbor could, they could get the neighbor to sign and, you know, it could be a really good, Speaker 1 00:09:47 Well, just a security feature. It could be seen as a marketing opportunity. Yeah. Yeah. So that's a different budget. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:09:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then, then the customer will not be a problem. So, uh, yeah, that's the new sort of focus in automated packaging lines. Those, those guys just run a rapid rate of knots and it's just amazing. And uh, yeah, these, these products are perfect for that basically. So yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:13 So we got a couple of other people as much more successful podcasts than asked. We've been getting a little bit like Spotify and Amazon. Absolutely. However, Speaker 0 00:10:22 Uh, we're probably not number one yet. No, no. We'll welcome that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:26 So what the others have done is they've had some questions and then they do an application. So I think we should copy that as well. I have a specific subject. So this week, because we've been talking about food already. Yeah. And obviously it's one of my favorite subjects. Let's talk about the growth in food subscription boxes. Yep. Speaker 0 00:10:43 Perfect. So I think, as we've just been saying about the, with the questions that came in, um, the demand of weekly and monthly subscriptions of recipe and menu boxes have actually increased by up to 69% in, in the last 12 months. That is just a crazy level. We tried it, but our box did come half open. And so I was letting pictures of it of course. But yeah. So that's just not a good idea. And that's really where this all stems from. I think this whole point, Speaker 1 00:11:16 Um, but not from the delivery drivers, either that responsibilities. Cause they get the blame. Yeah, absolutely. Speaker 0 00:11:22 Where it could have happened in the supply chain. If your box isn't secured from the moment it leaves your door and even inside your factory, you don't know if one of those guys might get hungry and Nick, some of the ingredients you never know, and they are valuable goods, you know, like meat and fresh produce. Yes. Speaker 1 00:11:37 And then packaging is lovely when it's real, Speaker 0 00:11:40 You have it core to this valuable, you know, cooling pads, et cetera. In the boxes. Speaker 1 00:11:45 I haven't even had pet food delivered that came and it was a real unboxing experience with the polystyrene tapes, everything else. So let's keep Speaker 0 00:11:54 That secure by this solution rather than just forgetting about <inaudible>. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, the positives of less food waste and learning to prepare cooking with new menus and getting kids involved in cooking, et cetera, is being really responsible for this market. And it's growing globally. It's not just in the UK, which is also great. Yeah. Um, so yeah, as we were just saying, these boxes can be tampered with, from within the factory or the moment they leave the factory to the moment that you got it in your, in your kitchen. And so if you do get it delivered to your house and they just leave it on your front door, which is what most people do with these items, you do not know what could have happened to it, whether it even, whether it's just a dog reading up your box or sniffing around because it smells decent. So you do want to know where are your boxes? Speaker 1 00:12:40 And of course nobody's handing anything to you anymore. You know, everything is delivered on your doorstep COVID Speaker 0 00:12:46 And you can't check it. Well, that's what they're, that's just awkward. So you have to just accept it. So yeah, the Tom prevalent tape is the perfect solution for this. Uh, obviously it ties very nicely into the automated packaging line conversation and it can be applied manually as well for the smaller companies. Yeah. And it just put it on a tape gun and it worked perfectly and 600 meters, then we probably do 50 minutes and you could have it perforated if you wanted at that point. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, because I hate cutting tape. Yeah. It's just, it's questing, isn't it. But yeah, the tape guns is perfect for and the various widths, et cetera. So, you know, all of that is already kind of done all by us. Yeah. So yeah, it's super, super easy to apply. It's instantly tamper evidence. So you don't have to wait two minutes or 30 seconds or anything it's going to instantly provide Speaker 1 00:13:34 You with say, just stick it in the wrong place. You'd miss that Speaker 0 00:13:36 Box. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Again, this can be any color you like, um, any print on it. Um, any, whatever you want, go back to all that marketing conversation we had before. Uh, it's definitely something that we try and push with brands. We want them to use what we've got use the QR code, use it as a campaign and benefit from it. Don't just have it. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:13:59 Yeah. Cause I mean, from my understanding, a lot of brands get the blame when things go wrong, when it isn't actually their fault because it's gone through a supply chain, logistics chair and the delivery man and a van. So unfortunately the same with counterfeiting and removing and theft, the brand's reputation is damaged. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:21 Yeah. When everyone else is just pointing fingers, but they take the hit all the time. Speaker 1 00:14:24 Yeah. I mean, if you look at Trustpilot, they always say, you know, early comments at the bottom are, or the brand should have looked after this better. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:14:32 Yeah, yeah. They shouldn't allow it to be the problem. And that's what this is here for. Speaker 1 00:14:35 And I think a lot of people don't know it's an option, so Speaker 0 00:14:38 Let them know. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, we have a video. If you go onto our brand new shiny websites and go onto our blog posts, it's the growth in food subscription boxes, or you can find this in the section and uh, yeah. Watch the naughty delivery driver video is also on our YouTube channel. I'll give you a laugh if nothing else, but it really does illustrate the point, uh, and the seriousness to this issue and the solution that we've got to solve it. Absolutely. And on top of everything else, the music for it. It's fantastic. Speaker 1 00:15:07 Absolutely. So that's great. Speaker 0 00:15:11 See you here again next week. Sounds like some more questions. Hopefully we'll choose another application. Sounds perfect. Thanks for listening guys. Have a good week. Cheers. Speaker 1 00:15:21 I <inaudible>.

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