Episode 4: What is Tamper Shield?

Episode 4 March 01, 2021 00:16:24
Episode 4: What is Tamper Shield?
Sticky Subjects
Episode 4: What is Tamper Shield?

Mar 01 2021 | 00:16:24


Show Notes

This week Harriet and Beth discuss:
Listener Questions?

What is Real Tamper Evidence?

What is void message and how does it change from non-residue to permanent products?

When a Tamper Evident tape or label is removed can it replied to disguise the fact it's been tampered with?

The very exciting Launch of a new product for tamper tech, the Tamper Shield! What is it? how does it work? and how can it help you?

Beth and Harriet discuss it all in this episode!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> stick together. Speaker 1 00:00:05 Cast number four. We're very excited. We're now live on Spotify, Apple and Amazon smile or Amazon. Speaker 0 00:00:13 <inaudible> my new best friend that I was in driving anyway. Speaker 1 00:00:30 She's great. So thank you to those of you that are submitting your questions every week for us. Uh, the first question that we had is what is real tamper evidence? So this, I, I think comes off the back of a lot of our posts where we start talking about real tamper evidence rather than just tamper evidence, because a lot of people are claiming that something's time for evidence like a paper label with no security features in when it's not. So what we're saying real tamper evidence is when the label or tape is pulled back and used, and then can't be restock and the messaging in that film of the label or tape can't be hidden again. So, okay. So when you say can't be reapplied, non residue label yeah. Peels off. Yeah. Because all of our labels and tastes are pressure sensitive. Aren't they all stick as soon as you put them down. Yeah. So the non-members you peel those off completely. And then the voiding message yes. Is in the film, in the film. So it's on the label, but not on the surface of the product and you can't then reverse it. So that making toast from bread, I guess. Oh, okay. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:45 Um, Speaker 1 00:01:46 The permanent products, obviously you've just got the same thing basically, but the message transfers down onto the surface and also shows in the film. So it's like a double whammy, but again, it can never be reversed. So real for evidence is irreversible. That's the point of it. And this also can include security cuts that will break the label in half, um, and various other features. But the actual real tamper evidence is the voiding system. So if you think about it, then the voting system is like a separate layer within the label or tape. Yes, what's up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's can be individualized and can be as we've discussed. Absolutely. So that's how we can customize everything. And then, so you can have it to say whatever you want in that message. Uh, and that can add another layer of security as well. So a lot of sort of standard tamper evidence would say opened or void, whereas it can say stop if you wanted or your company name. And that would be another example of real tamper evidence, because it's not something that is widely available on the market because why would other people be making your messaging? Speaker 0 00:02:52 Yeah. That was one thing you can't. So it's Speaker 1 00:02:57 Impossible to reapply leaves, Speaker 2 00:03:00 Um, a non residue lead no late, no transfer at all. And the permanent one. Now this is an interesting one because you refer to it as like a dry Speaker 1 00:03:10 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So some tamper evident products are leave like a sticky residue on the surface, which just gets like fluff and things stuck to it. So our permanent products are a dry pill. That's how we say good for food and pharma and their products are so good. Um, and so you end up with a dry piece of film that showed the void message and then a dry layer of text on your surface. So yeah, there's no risk of things getting stuck in it. Or Speaker 2 00:03:39 So for Don, did you applications, for example, security on doors, people putting it over their phone cameras, stuff like that. Those labels leave no Mark on the surface have a specific void message, but how would people know if a good, for example, they had a parcel arrived, it should have high value goods. Probably don't want to have permanent sticky label on them. Yeah. So there's that down to the company to how would people know if there'd been avoid messages? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:06 So I think basically in terms of like higher value goods and items like that, we would always suggest a permanent product because it is just visual and it's really obvious. And when it's coming in the packaging, so like if it was a camera, for example, it would come in a box, then use security tape or label permanent on the box. But then on the camera, if they wanted to have another layer of security, like on the internal packaging, then they put a non messaging label and they could have a little note, you know, on the packaging or on the label. Well, on the packaging. So if your label isn't here, get in touch immediately because that will then signal that it's not there. So what we say with non residue sales, it's a case of the customer knows they should be there because the company has educated them that it will be on their packaging. And then if it's not there, then perhaps the warranty would be void or anything could have happened to it before it's got to you. And it's just a case of getting back in touch with your supplier and letting them know. And they probably replace it Speaker 2 00:04:58 Since we recently had, um, delivery of a new, um, white goods. And that's had the QR code for me to register the goods with the company because obviously none of us fit in the cards doing no. And therefore anything goes wrong with my goods. But when I use the QR code, it took me to the website for me to just log in the number which I was in front of at the time. And it was really simple that I could put it off. So it was no longer on my washing machine. Speaker 1 00:05:26 Yeah. I mean, this comes back to our discussion last week about integrated solutions. Yes. And that is a perfect example of that. You know, you've got everything you need in one place in one label doing multiple jobs. So that's doing the job for the warranty team, the marketing team, the loss is loss prevention team. And the whole brand was worn all in one, go as well as keeping you happy because you know that no one's had that, but that goes before you, you know, they've not been tampered with before they've got to, and it's now registered with the supplier. Yeah, absolutely. Speaker 2 00:05:58 And that came from a different, it didn't come direct from the manufacturer. Yeah. It came from a retailer, which kind of makes it more important to say exactly. So now the company knows themselves where the goods have gone to as opposed to just the company I bought it from. Absolutely. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:06:14 Absolutely. Speaker 2 00:06:15 As I'm in marketing, I think that's very, no, that's good. So really permanent labels are used majority wise in packaging and in the, you know, the new intelligence, smart logistics chains that are out there. Absolutely. Yeah. Because Speaker 1 00:06:29 It's just the surfaces that you'd be applying to in that world are single use so that the cardboard, it single use it then goes to be recycled again. And then everything goes back into the same process. So that's all fine. Whereas when you've got like airlines and catering trolleys, you don't just use them once. They probably get used for years and years and years. So that's why we'd use non rescue in that sort of application. So all the asks you had on the flights? No. That they should be on all the drawers with the catering trolleys. Absolutely. So if they're not there, then again, it signals to them. So that's kind of how the non messaging one works again. If a plane's being security checked and swept, then they'll put the label on the outside of the door. Then if someone goes towards it, this next guy to open up the plane or anything. And so there's not that Speaker 2 00:07:13 Planes are still on the floor at the moment, aren't they? Yeah. They're just not as many in the sky yet. Although we are hopeful, we will have to get traveling again soon. But yeah, there's a lot of, um, grounded aircraft that have been cleaned. And as you say, swept and have been secured. Yeah. And one of the security features is just a label on the outside of the dog. Speaker 1 00:07:31 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And it's an, that's a non label because obviously they don't want a message to see a very expensive plane, but at the same time, it gives you that immediate security where, you know, if it's not there or the label has any marking avoid in the film, it's being tempered, then the secure, you need more staff and everything. But if it's not being tight, but it looks perfectly how you left it, then that's good too, Speaker 2 00:07:52 Because they are real security labels. They literally have got identity features in them. They've got additional security features. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:08:00 Yeah. So again, these are customized logos on the top customized void message, rental numbers, barcode, and they've the jewel number tops they're matched to the security check paperwork you've got and you know, it all, well, it removes his solution. Speaker 2 00:08:15 Yeah. Yeah. So really when we say real tamper evident labels, we're talking about labels that clearly visibly reveal they have been tampered with or damaged. And there's no accusation at that stage that has been, um, counterfeiting there's been stealing. There's been, it's purely to alert and get someone to check. And Speaker 1 00:08:37 Absolutely. So our real-time prevalence solution is something that you can't just buy from Amazon or wherever we're customizing solutions, which is what's making them really secure. Um, so yeah, that's, that's that Speaker 2 00:08:50 Visual deterrent that cannot be copied. Yeah, absolutely. Perfect. Now we have briefly mentioned in the past clothing and tamper evident labels for clothing. Yeah. Obviously many different fabrics, many different styles. You've got yourself, you've got your leathers, you've got your Speaker 1 00:09:08 Cotton as you've got your <inaudible>. Speaker 2 00:09:12 So we've come up with a solution. Speaker 1 00:09:13 I got, we have, so we have a brand new product that's taught to him this week and it's called the tumbler shield. So basically the concept is it's using the film and the security, prominent security labels to create your time for shield. And it can go through any item of clothing or shoe or anything. So the, and it's basically this product is to protect the runs and the consumers. So brands will be using this product and it's going to go through the garment. And basically the brands puts it on in that packaging line. It goes through, say the arm of a t-shirt it wraps back around onto itself. The security label sticks it together. And then it means that whoever's bought the item can still try the clothing on, uh, without it sort of getting in the way and making it well impossible to try it on. Speaker 1 00:10:04 But it also means that for the brand, when they have tried it on the consumer card vendors, go out to the pub. When we can do that again with the new clothes on, they'll take photos for Instagram or whatever, but without, uh, voiding the label, as soon as that label is void, they can no longer send the good spot. So you'll get less fake returns, uh, or used returns more to the point. And again, if the item gets to the customer without having this temper shield on, then the customer can send it back and say, no, it's either a fake good, or it's been tampered with in the supply chain. So yeah, again, it's giving you an innocent layer of security are all the items. Speaker 2 00:10:43 So it's flexible in the fact that it can fit any size or shape simply by simply by threading through the, um, all the leg or the body of a garment. Yeah. Um, the goods can be returned without any query. So reducing all the customer complaints, if the shield is still intact. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:11:05 Yeah, absolutely. But as soon as the shield has been broken, then the goods cannot be returned. So you're going to stop the fake complaint basically. That's what it will do immediately. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:14 I mean, we have in the past, um, a lot of work with companies mail-order who have included a security label in the box to say, if the item is not in the box. Yeah. We will not return, you know? Speaker 1 00:11:27 So you had to resale your boxes, ended back to us, Speaker 2 00:11:30 The books, if it hasn't got a tamper evidence seal on the outside is not very vibrant. Speaker 1 00:11:35 Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Because that's next level. Absolutely. So this is like the one end of the problem. And then that solution would be the other end of the problem. Yeah. So rather than just sending people were sending good spark while boxes pack without the goods then, and just with a few pebbles or something the most to give it some weight. So that problem would still be able to happen unless the companies put the security levels in the box for the return process. And, but this is for the front end of the problem where people are getting their items and putting them on dancing around the house, doing some cooking, taking their videos for social media and Instagram and all that stuff. And then going, Oh, cool. I'll send it back now and get my money back now. I looked really good at hide. I don't want to be somewhere in the same item again. Yeah. So yeah. So where I was with this solution, they won't be able to do that. So you're not going to be getting dirty garments back damaged items, anything like that. They'll all be at faster. Speaker 2 00:12:31 Yeah. Roll of film. Like the film that we used for the face shield. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So it's a roll of film and then it's a tamper evident label. Yeah. Permanent temporary evidence solution. So the role of film has clear instructions on how it's used. Yeah, absolutely. But you could use it again, marketing here as a marketing message, a branding opportunity. Um, and you can repeat it for as many times as you want, because that is not perfect. You cut that to length. Speaker 1 00:13:00 Yeah, absolutely. When you're like packing and folding the items or whatever, then they'll cut the film to land. So that's why it is so flexible for all the items. Obviously, Charles legs are different lens to t-shirts or whatever. So then we're not wasting stuff either and you don't need to buy 17 different variants at the same thing. You've just got one item, one solution as a package that will do everything for you. Brilliant. Yeah. So this is kind of a new look on temporary evidence for us instead of just providing you with the, the label or the tape solution, which is part of a package solution, nutrient. Yeah. This is the package. So the tumbler shield is the package. The whole packet is a set in one go. Yeah. So, and that's the similar thing like we did with the face shields, how you get, um, nurses, aprons, you pull them off like a reel and then it perforates. And then you put your apron on. That's like what we did with the face shield, the face shields, come off on a reel with perforations, and then you match your headband with it as a whole set. And what we're finding is people like sets of things now because it just makes our life easier. There's less people in the supply chain. There's less people to talk to. There's less room for error. Uh, and it's quick. Speaker 2 00:14:08 Yeah. And I think a lot of places, obviously it used to be saying directly face-to-face with customers. Now people are buying even independent stores where the goods can be of higher value. And therefore it matters more to the independent stores in some cases than it does to the big brands. Speaker 1 00:14:26 Yeah. So this is not just for the big brands after this. Someone can literally just buy one, one pack of this time shield and it might last them for three months, but every single one of their goods will be secure and they won't have to waste their valuable time when they, you know, it might just be them doing everything it's not very easy. So they, they might have to base their valuable time on fake returns because there will be cut out. Although we know that Speaker 2 00:14:48 Sounds good because what is the minimum order quantity for? Um, Speaker 1 00:14:54 So they do a thousand labels just like we would in the normal situation. And then we can tailor the amount of meters for the film as, as they want really. So, uh, yeah. Again, Speaker 2 00:15:06 Absolutely. Yeah. And it doesn't need to be negative. It can be a positive message. Speaker 1 00:15:10 If you all could put your website, put a discount code on recommend to a friend, whatever, but it's still at the same time. It doesn't mean that you're missing out on the message of, if this item is voided or this temperature field is broken, you cannot send the goods back. Or if it's arrived broken, you need to notify us before anything has happened. Speaker 2 00:15:28 Absolutely. So there's a very practical solution. Absolutely. Yeah. Simple and practical, simple and practical. So the takeaways for today would be, Speaker 1 00:15:39 Well, I think we've learned what real tamper evidence is. Absolutely. And that's a case of having a more customized security solution with a void message that will either void in the label or on the surface cannot be reapplied, cannot ever be reapplied, visual detachment. Yeah, absolutely. And we can add layers of security to that. Whether it's subsets, numbering, barcodes, security, cuts, et cetera. But the fundamental is it cannot be of, and you will always see the void message in the film or on the surface, depending on. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:08 Perfect. And obviously, if people are interested in our close shield shield, then please get in touch and we'll see, we'll get some samples out to you and you can have a look. Perfect. Thanks for listening. Jazz, Speaker 0 00:16:20 Jimmy, Jimmy.

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